Ah! I really dont know where to start this from! It has arrived and its here and its beautiful!!
First of all I would like to
thank you Valisa for what you sent and how you sent it. I have to say it feels like Christmas has arrived today, just much better than Christmas!
I always think that cooking for someone or giving food to someone is infact an act of love and that is how I felt today, loved by someone I didnt even know the exsistence before and really made my day!
But lets see what's inside :

volkoren koek. Dutch classic for breakfast good with eat or just plain.
- another Dutch classic Valisa says. chocolate and fruit flavour, can be eaten with bread or use on sweets. (hmmm ideas..!)

- a packet of
mie konde noodles!

- little
brownies with walnuts and almond that Valisa made with her own hands and a box of chocolate and almonds shortbread!

(Already tasted as well and delicious too!)

chrysanthemum chinese tea (which I never heard of it before, looks very interesting!)

- home made
apple chutney! (cant wait to try this one)
- Dutch cumin cheese (Oh god! never had this one either, I have got an idea for tonight already :-)

- and last but not least, a lovely chinese cute little box of beauty
powder. Very similar to borotalco, at least it smells like so and its not for eating! :D , though it looks lovely and Lisa spotted my asian addiction as well. I am styding japanese and soon I will be able to read whats written on the cute box too ;-)
- mixed Dutch sweets.
Well as you can see its all good. I will talk about the ingredients more as I try to figure out what to make out of them !
Thanks again to Andrew for this lovely idea and for the coordination. xox
chrysanthemum tea tastes really good when it's SWEET and COLD!! hope you like it too!
5:15 AM
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